Area Realtors
For available homes for sale or rent, please contact the following Falls City Real Estate or Realtor’s offices:
Name: | Address: | Contact Numbers: |
Falls City Realty PC Link above will go to, type in zip code 68355 to search listings |
2222 Harlan St. Falls City, NE 68355 |
Main: 402.245.5936 Fax: 402.245.5936 Cell: 402.245.7751 Cell: 402.245.7832 |
Miller-Monroe Co. | 1608 Stone St. Falls City, NE 68355 |
402.245.2722 or 402.245.2513 or 402.245.5045 |
The City of Falls City operates in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. It is illegal to discriminate again any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, in the provision of real estate brokerage services, and in the appraisal of housing. Block busting is also illegal.
Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination by calling 1-800-669-9777 (Toll Free) or 1-800-927-9275 (TTY). Written complaints can also be submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20410.